Cancellation Policy

If in any case you have to cancel your travel, you must cancel the booking at least 24 hours prior to scheduled departure of the flight for the major airlines while for Low cost carriers, flight need to be cancelled at least 7 days before the scheduled departure time. Please note that some tickets may be completely non-refundable even if cancelled well before the actual travel date. Refund/ Future travel credit will be subject to as per airlines guidelines only and are subject to applicable cancellation charges.

Please note that most airline tickets are non-refundable. In other cases, wherein the fare rules allow a refund, there may be cancellation charges along with a service fee that is applicable on all type of tickets.

If you willing to cancel the tickets for any reason, We would be happy to help you 24 hours and 7 days a week. you may email us at in case you wish to talk to a customer care representative.

Any cancellations are subject to full refund if cancelled within 24 hours, with a 50 USD service fee per ticket.